Protection Dogs For Sale In Texas

Protection Dogs For Sale



Frank is a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois. He has been training to be a family protection dog since he was eight weeks of age. Frank is stable and ready to be part of your family.

Frank Is One Of Our Highly Trained Protection Dog For Sale 2024

Frank, a Belgian malinois is a perfect family protection dog for sale. He has been in training nearly every day since his arrival at seven weeks old. Frank’s breed is known for intelligence, loyalty, and protective nature, making him ideal for serving as a family protection dog. One of the reasons why Frank is a perfect choice for families is because of his size. Belgian Malinois are intermediate in size, not too small and not too large. They are agile and quick to react to any potential threat, which helps them to protect their family and property.

Frank has undergone rigorous training in different environments, from indoor to outdoor scenarios, to ensure he is always alert and ready to shield his family from threats. He quickly identifies when his family is in danger and reacts accordingly.

Furthermore, Frank’s loyalty to his family is unwavering, making him the perfect companion and friend. He will stick by his owner’s side through thick and thin, providing protection and comfort whenever needed. In summary, with Franks’s extensive protection dog training, he can offer a sense of security to his family, giving them peace of mind.

Protection Dogs For Sale

Frank Is an Awesome Family Dog With All The Necessary Skills And Disciplines To be A Fierce Deteraint And Protector

Frank has been socialized, mastered obedience, and trained to protect his family at all times.

Despite naturally being a loving and faithful companion, training Frank to be a loyal and reliable protector was crucial for your family’s security. Fortunately, with proper socialization and obedience training, Frank learned to perform his duties and keep loved ones safe. Thanks to his two-time daily protection dog training regiment, Frank quickly responds to commands and perceived threats and alerts his family of any danger. His vigilant nature and protective instincts make him a reliable companion, particularly for those prioritizing safety and security.

Frank’s list of protection dog commands is impressive and growing weekly. His abilities and skills include sit, stay, down, back, over, alert, shake, spin, crawl, bite, out, place, hide, heel, and guard.

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Industry Leading Services Included With FRANK

Health Guarantee

Frank comes with a three-year health guarantee against genetic disorders

Maintenance Training

FOURTEEN Days of maintenance training per year for three years is included in the price of Frank

Equipment Included

Kennel, Bite Sleeve, Collars and his favorite toys are included to keep Frank mentally sharp and conditioned physically

Veterinarian & Vaccinations

Before delivery, you are supplied with all of Franks’s medical records and x-rays. During yearly maintenance training, Frank will visit his original vet for checkups and vaccinations

Lifetime Support

Service doesn’t end after payment. We love our dogs and are committed to excellence for the lifetime of the dog.

Acclimation Before Delivery

We offer extended training and acclimation time before we leave Frank with your family.

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Franks Life

Below are just a few of Frank’s photos from different stages of development with us. Frank has been a pure joy to raise and train for your family.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will Frank Hurt My Kids?

No Frank will NOT bite your kids. Frank’s entire life purpose is to be of service to his family. He will take commands including the bite command from kids.

I Just Want To Buy Frank And Not The Services.

That is perfectly fine. Franks price is $27,000 without any services or equipment

Can I take Frank In Public or on Trips?

Absolutely! Frank can travel and company you anywhere legally allowed in your state

Will Frank Get Hurt Protecting Me?

Highly likely. A criminal or person wanting to hurt you is going to try regardless of Frank’s presence. He was trained to take extreme amounts of pressure and will do his job giving you and your family time to escape

Can You Finish Franks’s Training For Me?

Frank is a fully trained Belgian Malinois Protection Dog ready to do his job

Do You Offer Financing On Protection Dogs?

No, we do not offer any payment plans other than what is on our ABOUT US page

Contact Us For More Information About Frank


+1 254 366 2283


375 Hali Brooke Dr, China Spring, Texas 76633



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