Protection Dogs For Sale



Frank is a 2.4-year-old Belgian Malinois. Frank seamlessly embodies the role of a loyal and affectionate family member while simultaneously providing an immediate layer of security and protection. He has been training to be a family protection dog since he was eight weeks of age. Frank is ready to be part of your family.


Protection Dog For Sale

Frank has undergone rigorous training in different environments to ensure he is always alert and ready to shield his family from threats. He quickly identifies when his family is in danger and reacts accordingly.

Frank, a Belgian malinois is a perfect family protection dog for sale. He has been in training nearly every day since his arrival at seven weeks old. Frank is known for his intelligence, loyalty, and protective nature, making him ideal for serving as a family protection dog. He is agile and quick to react to any potential threat. Franks’s extensive protection dog training offers his family immediate security.

Naturally, a loving and faithful companion, Frank is a loyal and reliable protector. Thanks to his two-time daily protection dog training regiment, Frank will quickly respond to commands and perceived threats to his family. His vigilant nature and protective instincts make him a reliable family or executive companion.

Kid Friendly

Frank was raised with children under ten and will take commands from them.

Personalized Approach

While in training, Frank was one of two protection dogs on duty for maximum training time in a home environment.

Unwavering Loyalty

He is dedicated to providing superior security and can be with you anywhere you go.

CALL US 254-366-2283


Frank has been socialized, mastered obedience, and trained to protect his family at all times. Frank’s list of protection dog commands is impressive and growing weekly. His abilities and skills include sit, stay, down, back, over, alert, shake, spin, crawl, bite, out, place, hide, heel, and guard.

Protection Dog For Sale

Frank seamlessly embodies the role of a loyal and affectionate family member while simultaneously providing an immediate layer of security and protection.

Trusted Excellence

Why Choose Frank

Frank, a devoted and watchful canine, possesses innate abilities that have been meticulously nurtured and honed, rendering him an unparalleled guardian. His protective instincts are nonnegotiable, ensuring that he remains vigilant at all times, whether in public spaces, around children or during family outings.

Frank is inherently a laid-back and affectionate canine, displaying a deep desire to be in the company of his human companions. Being a Malinois with high energy levels, Frank exhibits remarkable stamina and is capable of remaining active throughout the day. Notably, his adeptness in navigating social interactions and adapting to diverse environments is exceptional.

Executive Protection Dog

Frank possesses exceptional protective instincts and impressive endurance, which collectively render him exceptionally adept as an Executive Protection Dog.

Family Protection Dog

These remarkable dogs have been raised in a loving and nurturing environment, ensuring their loyalty and adaptability to any family dynamic. With real-world training, these protection dogs are equipped to handle any situation that may arise.

Adventure Dog

Guardian Malinois Protection Dogs For Sale thrive in fun and interesting environments. Take Frank anywhere.

Threat Now Dog

Frank has demonstrated a propensity to be exceptionally defensive and aggressive in situations where there is a perceived danger to his people.

Frank Has Been Raised In The Family Environment To Be The Best Protection Dog For Your Home.

Below Are Videos Of Frank’s True Potential As Your Protection Dog. PLEASE Note That Frank Has Been Trained Inside The Family Environment To Be A Real Family Protection Dog. He Was Not Purchased Over Seas To Resell Nor Has He Ever Been Inside Of A Kennel Facility. His training exposed him to family activities, such as stores, fishing trips, softball games, volleyball practices, car rides, and drive-through restaurants.

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Our Story

Franks Training To Become A Protection Dog

The process of training Frank to become a protection dog started at the age of eight weeks. As time progressed, we pinpointed specific behaviors that were essential to incentivize and develop, with the ultimate goal of nurturing his capabilities to transform into a fully adept protection dog ready for sale. Throughout his growth, we observed and reinforced certain key behaviors, laying the groundwork for his development into a well-rounded protection dog,

Similar to all Guardian Malinois Protection Dogs, these canines undergo training on a family property spanning 10 acres. Frank has dedicated two years to honing his skills alongside our family in public and inside our home, ensuring that he is always well-prepared.

During his training sessions, Frank developed his skills on the six-acre cedar walking trails and custom-built obstacles designed to optimize his strengths. In addition to his physical regimen, Frank frequently ventured into the city to engage in social activities and enhance his adaptability to different environments.

Frank can navigate through various establishments and public spaces with ease on leash. These include large retail outlets, gas stations, smaller convenience stores, marinas, dining establishments, volleyball practice facilities, educational institutions, school pick-up areas, and hardware stores. He also can patiently wait in long lines in crowded environments.

Actual protection training initially involved incorporating games to motivate Frank, gradually transitioning into scenario-based training sessions. Frank has demonstrated the ability to engage with various protective gear such as a bite suit, hidden sleeve, and even a human arm, displaying successful sessions with handlers of different demographics including children and adults of both genders. The scenarios covered in the protection training encompass a wide range of situations such as home invasion, kidnap attempts, robberies, bank escort duties, assaults, and property searches. This form of training serves to prepare Frank to respond effectively to various real-life security challenges, ensuring his readiness and adaptability in potentially hazardous situations.

Owning A Protection Dog

The main objective of Frank’s training focuses on effectively addressing and averting a diverse range of human issues and obstacles. It is important to recognize that the maintenance of a protection dog entails greater responsibilities compared to that of a typical family pet. Frank necessitates daily physical and mental stimulation to ensure his well-being and overall fitness. Additionally, an essential component of his care involves a comprehensive fourteen-day maintenance training on an annual basis for three years. Neglecting to invest sufficient effort and time in maintenance training your dog can lead to undesirable behavioral patterns and outcomes. Therefore, consistent and dedicated training is crucial for ensuring the positive development and conduct of a protection dog.

Guardian Malinois undergo specialized training to identify potential threats, prevent unauthorized access, and protect their human companions under any circumstances. For instance, Frank, as a well-prepared Guardian Malinois, is proficient in safeguarding his family members while maintaining a genial demeanor, effortlessly showcasing his repertoire of adorable tricks to bystanders. Frank’s unique ability to seamlessly integrate protective instincts with friendly interactions underscores his social skills.

The true extent of Frank’s prowess in protection and safeguarding is truly astounding. When engaged in combat, he inflicts deep bites and forcefully shakes his head while utilizing his front paws to restrain the opponent. In addition to this, Frank has demonstrated an impressive speed, reaching 29mph, despite weighing 79 lbs, and has managed to do so without incurring any significant damage to his teeth, bones, or muscles.

Owning Frank entails taking on responsibilities, yet the assurance of having a family-friendly, intelligent, and protective companion significantly enhances the level of security for your family, adding substantial value to their well-being. Frank is unwavering in his determination to safeguard his family, demonstrating a resolute commitment to their well-being. His dedication knows no bounds.

Guardian Malinois

High-Quality Protection Dogs Available
Family Environment Raised with Love and Real-World Training

Empowering Safer Families Together

24/7 Unwavering Loyalty

Frank Will Not Fold Under Pressure. He Is A Loyal Loving Dog That Is Ready For Your Home

Protection Dog For Sale
Protection Dogs For Sale
Unmitigated Presence

Security For Your Most Precious Asset

Frank Was Raised With Our Children For Your Children.

Master Of Discipline

Frank Has Trained For Two Years To Be Part Of Your Family

Frank Provides Solutions For Human Problems And Challenges

Protection Dog For Sale

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Frank Hurt My Kids?

No Frank will NOT bite your kids. Frank’s entire life purpose is to be of service to his family. He will take commands including the bite command from kids.

I Just Want To Buy Frank And Not The Services.

That is perfectly fine. Franks price is without any services or equipment

Can I take Frank In Public or on Trips?

Absolutely! Frank can travel and company you anywhere legally allowed in your state

Will Frank Get Hurt Protecting Me?

Highly likely. A criminal or person wanting to hurt you is going to try regardless of Frank’s presence. He was trained to take extreme amounts of pressure and will do his job giving you and your family time to escape

Can You Finish Franks’s Training For Me?

Frank is a fully trained Belgian Malinois Protection Dog ready to do his job

Do You Offer Financing On Protection Dogs?

No, we do not offer any payment plans other than what is on our ABOUT US page

Contact Us Below To Schedule A Time To Meet Frank. Call Us Anytime At 254-366-2283

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